The Center will provide educators with resources and a community to support their work within and beyond the classroom. Details of what the Center will provide will be announced at Experimental Biology 2022. We are anticipating a full launch in summer 2022. Our call for applications to serve on the new Advisory Board is now open. See more information below.

Advisory Board Responsibilities

Reporting to the Council of the American Physiological Society, the Center for Physiology Education Advisory Board will provide expertise to recognize opportunities and address challenges at the forefront of physiology education. Diverse perspectives and knowledge of physiology education will be represented. Advisory Board members will guide the strategic direction of the Center and collaborate with staff to develop resources designed to meet Center objectives. Through this work, the Advisory Board will ensure that the interests of physiology educators are represented in the actions and initiatives implemented by APS.

The Advisory Board will consist of ten appointed members and four ex-officio members. Advisory Board members are appointed for a term of three years, and they are expected to contribute 1-3 hours per month to Center initiatives. All appointed members, including the Chairperson are voting members. Ex-officio members are non-voting Advisory Board members.

Advisory Board Roles

Chairperson: The Chairperson will be an appointed member of the Advisory Board, selected by the Executive Cabinet, and approved by the APS Council for a three-year term. The Chairperson of the Advisory Board shall be an ex officio member of the Council, without vote. The Chairperson is not allowed to serve as Chair and theme lead concurrently.

  • Theme Leads: On an annual basis, the Advisory Board will determine leads for each of the identified Center themes:
  • Evidence-based Teaching Practices
  • Inclusive Teaching
  • Teaching and Learning Integrative Physiology
  • Physiology Education Research
  • Curriculum Development

As theme lead, selected Advisory Board members will be responsible for leading panel review and providing feedback for Center resources pertaining to their respective theme. It is expected that Advisory Board members will serve as theme lead for at least one year, but hold no specific theme lead position for more than two years. Ex-officio Advisory Board members may not serve as theme leads.

At-large Members: In addition to the Chairperson and theme leads, three additional members will support and complement Advisory Board knowledge, expertise, and efforts. The at-large Advisory Board members are typically newly appointed members, and they are responsible for assisting with review and feedback of resources aligned with their own knowledge and expertise.

Ex-Officio Advisory Board Roles

Chair, Teaching Section: To coordinate efforts and communication, the Teaching Section Chair will serve as a voting member of the Center Advisory Board.

Editor, Advances in Physiology Education: The objectives of the Center are directly aligned with the purpose of Advances in Physiology Education. The editor will serve as a non-voting member of the Center Advisory Board.

The immediate past-president and the executive director of APS will also serve as non-voting ex officio members of the Advisory Board.

To learn more about The Center and the Advisory Board application process watch the Zoom Q&A event recorded on February 1, 2022? 

Watch it Here

Application deadline: February 14, 2022

Apply Now

Application Instructions
Endorsement Form